by Staff Roico | Sep 3, 2018 | Bar, Bar, Events, Events, Lago di Codana, Lago di Codana, Restaurant, Restaurant
Nel magnifico quadro del Lago di Codana, un’ ora e dieci di spettacolo a perdifiato. Si ride molto e ci si sorprende ancora di quella “macchia immaginifica” che la Commerdia dell’Arte sa regalare. Sotto la direzione artistica di Mauro Piombo,...
by Staff Roico | May 21, 2018 | Bar, Events, Lago di Codana, Restaurant
“Term that indicates illegal distillation, which took place at night, literally” in the moonlight. “In fact, alcohol was sold and administered in places with a second intended use”. This is the definition of Moonshine. From 25 May, every...
by Staff Roico | May 9, 2018 | Bar, Lago di Codana, Summer camps
The Happy Campus Summer Center is dedicated to children and teenagers aged between 4 and 14 years. It is organized in green areas, equipped sports facilities and indoor areas within the Lake Codana complex, ideal for providing moments of aggregation, spaces for...